Saturday, May 24, 2014


Walaupun setengah dari judul blog ini terdiri atas kata Ganteng, tamu pertama kita adalah Yubelina, seorang perempuan Kristen Indonesia yang dibakar dalam serangan oleh beberapa orang Islam. Saya putuskan untuk menyebut yang bersangkutan, walaupun menggelitik. Tapi Anda berhak tahu beritanya. Saya percaya Anda lebih bijak untuk memutuskan bagaimana menyikapinya.

Anyway, saya membaca tentang Yubelina di sebuah website, hasil pesiar di Google. Keadaannya digambarkan begini:

Kulitnya berbercak-bercak dan bergradasi cokelat muda sampai merah sampai putih. Sebagian besar kasar. Hidungnya tidak berbentuk. Sepetak kulit di bawah mulutnya, warnanya ungu. Bibir atasnya mengelupas. Mata kirinya putih dan merah; jelas tidak bisa melihat lagi.

Kalau dihadapkan langsung, saya tidak bakal tega menatap wajahnya. Tapi karena cuma gambar, saya bisa berlama-lama menganalisa. Cuma, saya tidak berlama-lama. Tidak perlu. Anda langsung tahu, kan? Senyumnya itu. Itu separuh ketawa. Dia tidak kelihatan marah, meskipun wajar kalau dia marah. Anda bisa melihat itu di matanya. Dia punya kecerdasan untuk melihat segala sesuatu dari sudut pandang yang membahagiakan, seperti didambakan Pepeng, pembawa acara itu lo.

Bahkan bisa dibilang, dia punya kecantikan untuk melihat segala sesuatu dari sudut pandang yang membahagiakan.

A Beautiful Mind! (beauty = kecantikan; mind = pemikir)

kata benda
Kualitas yang memberikan kegembiraan pada pikiran.

kata benda
Seseorang dengan kemampuan berpikir yang hebat.

Despite the title of this blog, our first guest is, please welcome, Yubelina, a woman from a Christian village in Indonesia who was burned during an attack by some Muslims. I decided to mention the religions involved. I know it's tickling, but you have the right to know the truth. I believe you know better how to react upon it.

Anyway, I found out about Yubelina on a website, a result of surfing on Google. She was described as the following:

Her skin is splotchy and ranges in colour from light brown to red to white. Much of it is leathery. Her nose is disfigured. She has a purplish-coloured patch of skin in between her bottom lip and the bottom of her chin. Her upper lip is peeling. Her left eye is white and red; her pupil is clearly no longer able to see.

If she and I meet face to face, I probably won't have the heart to look at her face. Since it was only a picture of her, I could take my time to analyze it further. But it was not a slowdown. I was immediately captured by her beauty. You knew it at once, right? Her smile. That's a half-laugh. She shows no rage, even though it's normal for her to do. You can see it in her eyes. She is the person bright enough to see the world from a beatifying viewpoint, as wished for by Pepeng, that television show host.

You can even say, she has enough beauty to see the world from a beatifying viewpoint.

What a Beautiful Mind.


A person of great mental ability.


The quality that gives pleasure to the mind.

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